The world at large is still doing its best to adapt to the challenges of COVID-19. Obviously, it’s been quite a challenge across the board. Here in New York, most businesses are still inactive, we’re still social distancing and soon we’ll prepare to slowly reopen. At Cryostar, we’ve done our part to adjust to the recent circumstances and help essential businesses acclimate, as well. Therefore, we’ve introduced mobile morgue and lab units to our range of services to help other businesses cope with the challenges brought on by the coronavirus.

In addition to mobile morgue and lab units, we’ve also begun providing essential businesses with mobile refrigeration units. Essentially, these are a part of our expanded services to help manage the challenges of COVID-19. It isn’t just the medical or death care industries trying to cope with these burdens. In this post, we’ll explore the many benefits of Cryostar Industries’ mobile refrigeration units and how they can help you and your business thrive.


1. Short or Long-Term Rentals

Several essential businesses are struggling to keep up with recent demands. The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has brought on countless challenges that few could have anticipated. Obviously, health and death care industries have been hit hardest. Most businesses are doing their best to make it through this rough patch. Therefore, our mobile refrigeration units provide additional cold storage, no matter how long you may need them.

Whether a day, a week or a year, our mobile refrigeration units are a perfect spontaneous solution for your business. In this time of uncertainty, we’re more than willing to collaborate with you to develop an arrangement that benefits your business. No matter how long you might need extra cold storage, we’ll make it happen for you. Our mobile units are available however briefly or otherwise you (or a fellow business) may need them.

2. Mobile Refrigeration For Countless Industries

Naturally, our doctors, nurses and funeral directors are hit hardest by COVID-19. Hospitals are experiencing overwhelming patient volumes and absolutely need as much cold storage as they can get. However, what most of us don’t know is that our grocery stores and food providers need additional cold storage just as much.

Our supermarkets, grocery stores and even government facilities are also doing their best to keep up with recent demand. In fact, several of these establishments have already sought mobile refrigeration units. As other stores remain closed and essential businesses experience heavy volume, storage space is quickly running out. Therefore, mobile refrigeration units are more important now than ever. They manage to provide the necessary space for meat and produce storage while easing the burden of food service workers. In addition, they’re the most effective way to prevent spoiled or wasted inventory.

3. Wherever, Whenever

Among the many benefits of mobile cold rooms is their total convenience. At Cryostar, our mobile units can accommodate any business, no matter the size. In addition, we can place them wherever you like. Our mobile units can go in the most convenient location to minimize the strain on staff and streamline the storage process.

Mobile refrigeration units aren’t just a temporary solution to a big problem. They’re also products of total, modern engineering. Combining high-tech innovation with practical convenience make mobile cold rooms a unique remedy to the problems so many businesses are dealing with.

mobile cold room rental trailer for hospitals and labs


Cryostar Industries

Right now, times are tough for all of us. You’re doing your best to keep employees and customer safe. Therefore, you shouldn’t have the extra burden of trying to deal with limited storage space. At Cryostar, we’ll do our part to help you manage this crisis with as little stress or headache as possible. We’re proud to help medical, scientific and food industries through this. Hopefully, we’ll make it out of this quickly and safely!

mobile walk in refrigerator or cold room storage for labs and hospitals
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