A lab pipette requires thorough service on a consistent basis. Typically, labs need them at least once every six months, to ensure optimal performance. However, not every calibration provider offers high-quality, reliable services. Options you might be considering for your pipette calibration include sending your units to a third-party company, having a technician come into your laboratory, or sending your pipettes back to their original manufacturer. There’s a lot that you should be asking regarding your pipettes and to class=”blue” enhance your lab. Read on to learn a few critical questions to ask your calibration provider.

Do you perform maintenance with original pipette manufacturer parts?

Preventative maintenance will allow a unit to work in excellent condition. Also, it reduces the chances of problems occurring in the future, especially in pharmaceutical labs. Before calibration, ensure that your provider performs consistent maintenance, like replacing filters and seals, function, and leak tests. Make sure parts are always of quality make and fit the pipette properly, if not right these parts could affect performance and require much more maintenance.

Are you ISO-17025 certified, with the capability of performing to ISO-8655?

This might sound like two separate questions, but both of these standards go hand in hand. ISO 17025 provides standards for testing and calibration of all types of equipment. ISO-8655 requirements are specific for the overall calibration of pipettes. Your service provider has to be in compliance with both ISO-17025 and ISO-8655, as neither standard separately would be that efficient. Make sure you’re asking your calibration provider if they are compliant with these standards to make sure you receive the most reliable, cost-efficient and accurate calibration.

Do you have warranties for your pipette services?

If there are any errors or problems throughout your calibration, make sure your provider has coverage. Insurance is important, and manufacturers typically have warranties on their service and parts to protect their customers in case anything goes wrong.

Do you have any kind of asset management system?

Hands in blue gloves holding pipette and test tube with poured blue chemical which placed on blurred background
If you have a considerable number of pipettes inside your laboratory, it is important to keep track of each one’s history. Which pipette already received some service? Which pipette still requires some service? How long until I have to send it back? Which type of service did you perform over a year ago? Do not make it a guessing game, and ensure your calibration provider has the system to keep track of everything.



Ultimately, we operate on a system of total transparency and honesty with regard to our clients. At Cryostar Industries, our technicians provide seamless, expert calibration for all relevant lab equipment and diagnostic devices, including pipettes. In order to keep your pipettes operating with maximum efficiency, contact Cryostar Industries now!

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