Not every lab has the necessary budget to fill the lab with the most cutting-edge and brand new equipment. In fact, many labs have to operate in a more cost-efficient way. There are several savvy tactics administrators can employ in order to stay within their budget. Nowadays, one of the more cost-efficient ways to keep expenses under control is with used and refurbished lab equipment.

Many labs choose to not only buy, but rent or sell, used lab equipment. It can be one of the more reliable ways to save money. However, there are several popular misconceptions about used lab equipment. At Cryostar, many of our clients often ask us to personally weigh in on these issues. In this post, we’ll break down a few of the more prominent myths surrounding used lab equipment. Keep reading to find out more.


Myth #1 – All Used Lab Equipment Is Defective

For the most part, this is perhaps the most prevalent misconception about used lab equipment. Many lab managers believe that all used equipment is inevitably defective in some capacity. However, just because the previous lab no longer needs it doesn’t make it inferior by default. There are countless reasons why a lab may want to sell their used equipment, and not repair or replace it. None of these factors involve deficiency or poor functioning.

For example, if a lab is changing locations and can no longer accommodate a specific instrument, selling it is a smart course of action. The alternative is the instrument being thrown away or maybe sitting in a storage unit. Also, many labs sell their equipment when they’re liquidating their assets. And finally, a lab may simply change their objectives and no longer need it. In this case, when a lab profoundly adjusts its work and goals, they can earn money towards new equipment they need by selling their used instruments. In all of these scenarios, the sale of the equipment is simply a practical decision that’s best for the lab.


Myth #2 – Used Lab Equipment Will Fail Quickly

Sure, secondhand lab equipment may be older. It’s also been used before. However, this doesn’t mean it’s going to fail immediately. In fact, there’s a significant chance you’ll get many, many years of smooth and reliable use out of it. And there are also a few ways to protect your investment when you purchase used lab equipment.

Usually, people will believe that used lab equipment is up for sale because of its severe wear and tear. However, if the instrument is from a reputable manufacturer, it will have a very long and productive life. Therefore, it will most likely last a very long time, even if it’s used. In addition, if you do a little bit of research in advance, it can verify the instrument’s quality. Most labs exercise the right care and maintenance for their equipment, and will only sell the equipment that’s in great shape.

Most high-quality lab equipment comes with specific paperwork detailing the model, age, service history and more. If you request this paperwork along with the equipment, it can be a huge asset for you. You can contact the manufacturer and provide them with the equipment’s details to confirm a service plan and verify its potential for your lab.


Myth #3 – Used Lab Equipment Doesn’t Have Modern Features

It’s easy to believe that used lab equipment has old and outdated features. However, this is yet another popular misconception. Usually, even the newest releases of lab equipment have minimal distinctions from their older counterparts. Generally, these upgrades have very little discernible differences. The overall functions and operations of the equipment are very much the same.

Therefore, you can purchase used lab equipment with most of the same features and specifications as the new models. However, the price will be significantly smaller. You can obtain virtually the same instrument and perform the same work at a much more cost-efficient rate.


Conclusion – Cryostar Industries

Used lab equipment can be an excellent solution for the more budget-conscious facility. At Cryostar, ensuring each lab has functional equipment is part of our daily mission. For years, we’ve supported scientific industries of all kinds by providing rentals, repairs and calibrations for their instruments. These services are critical to preserving the lifespan of your equipment.

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